Healing Scriptures and Prayers

Healing Scriptures and Prayers
by Jeff Doles
Walking Barefoot Ministries
ISBN 0-9744748-1-9
6 x 9 in., 128 pages

Paperback $8.99 USD

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Someone has said that prayer is not about overcoming God's reluctance, but about laying hold of His willingness. This can also be said of healing ministry — it is not about overcoming God's reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness to heal. God's willingness is seen in His Word, where He has repeatedly revealed His desire to heal His people. The format of healing Scriptures and healing prayers is designed to help you lay hold of God's willingness to heal you by laying hold of His Word and praying it back to Him in faith.

The Bible says that "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" (Romans 10.17). The Word of God reveals the will of God, and so enables us to pray effectively. "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him" (1 John 5.14,15). Healing is the will of God for His people, as these Scriptures show, so you can pray confidently, knowing that He hears you, and that you will receive your healing. In this book you will discover:
  • God's healing words in the Old Testament
  • How healing is revealed in the names of God
  • How to choose life
  • God's healing words in the New Testament
  • The healing ministry of Jesus
  • The healing ministry of the disciples
  • Life restoration stories in the Bible
  • How healing is revealed in the name of Jesus
  • The Lord's Prayer as healing prayer
  • The Lord's Supper as healing prayer
This is also a great tool to help you minister healing to others.
"Faith in the promises of God is the most important aspect of the ministry of divine healing, as well as the way to a walk in divine health. Jeff Doles has labored diligently to correctly lay out those healing promises in such a manner that this book can be both a refreshment to the soul of an individual needing a wonderful touch of Christ, or the person who is desiring to operate in the ministry of divine healing and setting people free. I would also recommend this book to every Healing Team/Healing Rooms ministry as an important working instrument for their own faith and the building of faith in those to whom they minister."
— Wayne C. Anderson, Founder & Apostolic Director
International Apostolic Ministries International
Healing evangelist and president of Standsure Ministries

"Jeff Doles has blessed the body of Christ with Healing Scriptures and Prayers. This well written book will take the reader on an enlightening journey through the Word of God. Familiar passages of Scripture will take on new meaning and many special treasures of knowledge will bring increased understanding of the ways and the grace of God. This book is not just for those wanting physical healing, but for everyone who wants a deeper and richer relationship with God."
— Ben R. Peters
President, Open Heart Ministries
International conference speaker and author

"I know this book comes from the heart of Jeff Doles, because he has a passion to see people walk in divine health. I have known Jeff for years as a student and lover of the Word of God. He has done a wonderful job laying out the scriptures on healing. As I read through them, my heart explodes with faith as I see the great love and plan God has for His people. I love the prayers because they are such a practical way to make the scriptures become yours. I believe this book to be an excellent resource for those hungering to walk in divine health."
— Rick C. Wilson
Senior Pastor, Revival Outreach Center, Dover, FL
Apostolic Director, International Apostolic Ministries